Thursday, April 22, 2010

Time Passes When You Are Having Fun

Writing is a tricky thing for me, because I can't write unless I really, really, really want to. I haven't been inspired in some time to write. I have added to or finished little projects here and there, but I haven't been able to sit down and start a new book, come up with a new idea, etc., etc. It is a hard thing, because I am now publishing my second novel. That is good, yes, but now I am out of manuscripts. At first, I had two manuscripts that hadn't been published, so I was sitting pretty. Then, "The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory" was published, but it was okay because I still had one more. Now that "A Tendency Towards Love" is getting published, I am down to none. What am I going to publish next if inspiration does not come. I guess I must look for ways to get inspired. I have lots of concepts, some started, some just concepts, but nothing solid. Let's hope something comes soon.